Our phone is currently down. Please contact us at arcdanecounty@gmail.com
Get Involved
You can make a difference!
We campaign for public awareness and for policies that benefit all of our constituents as well as other people with disabilities, their families, and those that work hard to support them. Our goal is to provide opportunties for all individuals to have rich and fulfilling life experiences.
From dances to festivals, advocacy to educational events, we have an opportunity for you!
For volunteer opportunities with The Arc-Dane County, please email arcdanecounty@gmail.com
When you become a Friend of The Arc- Dane County, you support and join in the largest national membership disability organization.
Over 70 years ago, a group of parents came together to fight for the educational rights of their children. Their efforts set in place the framework for the organization that would become the Arc-Dane County. Today, we continue the work of those parents by advocating for educational, employment, residential, and social opportunities that help smooth life’s transitions.
Con Mas de 70 anos de servicio para personas con discapacidades intelectuales y de desarrollo.
Orders due September 15.