Post-Secondary Transition & Future Planning
The Arc Center for Future Planning in Washington, DC, The Arc-Dane County, and The Arc Wisconsin are excited to share information on and resources to plan for the life long needs of your loved ones with intellectual and developmental disabilities. This page will continue to be updated (with resources and events) as we work to provide current information to support your family’s future. See below for The Arc’s Center For Future Planning, Local Support, and Wisconsin Resources.

The Arc’s Center for Future Planning
The Center for Future Planning aims to support and encourage adults with I/DD and their families to plan for the future. The Center provides reliable information and assistance to individuals with I/DD, their family members and friends, professionals who support them and other members of the community on areas such as person-centered planning, decision-making, housing options, and financial planning.
We encourage you to create an account and begin building your future plan. We at The Arc value your privacy. Learn more about how we will handle your information by viewing our privacy policy.
The online worksheets (find them by clicking Build Your Future Plan) are interactive, user friendly, and will be a big help developing your future plan. If you would prefer to print your worksheets, they are listed here:
The Arc Dane County – Local Support
The Arc’s Center for Future Planning and The Arc Dane County can help you proactively plan for your loved one’s future. Our person centered approach assists in these areas:
Expressing wishes for your future
Deciding where to live
Financing the future
Supporting major and daily life decisions
Employment and daily activities
Making social connections
Health and wellness
Contact The Arc Dane County for more information or to set up a meeting with our trained staff: or 608-833-1199

Links to Post-Secondary Transition Planning Support
Wisconsin Transition Resource Guide---
Family Care---
"Living My Dream" Preparing for life after high school as a student with a disability---
MMSD Guide to Transition Services---
The Arc Wisconsin – Resources in Wisconsin
This guide is extensive and contains Wisconsin resources for General Information, Assistive Technology, Benefits, Caregiver Supports & Respite, Decision-Making Supports & Guardianship, Education, Employment, Family Supports, Financial & Legal Planning Resources, Future Planning, Healthcare, Housing, Long-Term Services & Supports, Mental Health Supports, Recreation & Social, Rights & Discrimination, Self-Advocacy & Leadership, and Transportation. Click here to see the Resource Guide
All you Need to Know about Opening an ABLE Account or Special Needs Trust in Wisconsin
On March 28th The Arc Wisconsin hosted an on-line presentation on Special Needs Financial Planning to discuss both ABLE (Achieving a Better Life Experience Act) savings accounts and special needs trusts (SNTs), and how these planning tools interact with one another. Click here for slides and other resources from the presentation.